dimanche 24 octobre 2010

Ow.. I totally forgot

Well it's been a while... but believe me, no news sometimes really means good news. Except for the fact that I've stopped the Idiot-proof diet pretty much 2 months after starting it, because I just wasn't losing any more weight... and as a consequence have gained the weight back, everything's alright.

I've had a couple of tests lately. Some big ones, some less important ones... all resulting into "all clear", so I couldn't be happier, right? The only thing which my doctor pointed out to me was my huge lack of vitamin D, or in other words SUNLIGHT! It's true that when I think about it, I've been trying my hardest to keep out of the sun since starting chemo. Also, once the chemo and radiotherapy was over, I had to cope (and am still coping) with heat flushes, so, I've avoided the sun all summer. That's a whole year without sun! Problem is, as the doctor explained it to me, you need vitamin D because a lack of it weakens your bones, and I can't have that right now. So, I'm thinking of going somewhere far away to a sunny place! Any ideas?

Oh, by the way, I'm gonna start a new diet (oh dear), but this time, I'll have my sis and my cousin and a friend of mine doing it at the same time. That's gonna help, I'm sure! It's called the Dukan diet, and seems pretty easy. It has great results too! I'm really feeling bad about my weight gain, and this is like some sort of last resort. My feet have started to hurt because of my weight (my pills also play a roll in the pain though, but still)...

I've had a lot of calls lately for make up! I'm so happy it's finally starting to work! People have asked me if I had a portfolio with pictures online etc, but I don't. So I started a new website called Sali's Make Up and I'm planning to post pictures of my work soon! So if you ever need a crazy make up for a party or a wedding, call me ;)

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